Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Two Restaurants Chosen Are Mcdonalds And KFC-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Two Restaurants Chosen Are Mcdonalds And KFC? Answer: Introducation Operation management refers to the process through which a business manufacture good and services. Further the essay contains the four V operational analysis on McDonalds and KFC. Later the essay also explains the marketing mix process with respect to positioning. Volume Dimension: It refers to the amount of quantity produced by the company. Both the companies McDonalds and KFC manufacture a huge volume of products to its customers. The products in the McDonalds are sold for low cost, thus volume is the key factor to the way in which the business is organized. In McDonalds only hamburgers and majorly produced and sold where in KFC all the products have their own customers and are equally sold. Due to repetition of event inn McDonalds, employees become specialized in that task and perform the task in a systematic way. Whereas due to a large variety of products offered by KFC, the employees do not hold specialization in any products resulting to relatively less organized activities are done in KFC (Torrington, et. al., 2011). Variety Dimension: it refers to the range of products and services offered to the customers. In the restaurant McDonalds a discussed above, although they offer a wide variety of products; but the hamburger is the only product which is majorly consumed by the customer. Whereas, in the KFC restaurant they offer a wide variety of products in both veg and non-veg dishes which gives greater flexibility and variety. Thus resulting to which it can be said that in KFC there is relatively wide variety of products than McDonalds which can give greater satisfaction to the customers. But it shall be noted that a company can earn greater profit by simply generating similar products and gaining specialization in it. Whilst both the company offers same kind of products and services but KFC offers greater variety whereas McDonalds offer low cost products to its customers (Dibb, Simkin 2013). Variation Dimension: it refers to the differentiation in the products on the basis of seasons, price, taste etc. In McDonalds the company offers breakfast menu, cold drinks and ice cream in summers and hot chocolate in winters. The restaurant updates it menu yearly. Whereas in case of KFC, the company already has a variety of products to offer, also it has many veg as well as non-veg products. On comparing both the restaurants it shall be noted that KFC has more products in its menu card than in McDonalds which shows that variation dimension is high in KFC and low in McDonalds (Slack, Brandon-Jones, Johnston 2013). Visibility Dimension: visibility refers to the customers ability to track their order details of the product. This operation of the management is more difficult than it actually looks. It also means that what the customer perceives from the services rendered. Both the companies have equal amount of visibility dimension in their business. This factor includes services like courier, home delivery which helps the customers in accessing the product and services. But both the outlets do not have their home delivery services due to which it can be said that the companies enjoys a low visibility dimension. But this is seen that McDonalds have their take away relating to which KFC restraint do not have their own take away as well. So, concluding to the above situation it can be said that both the companies are less attached with the visibility dimension butt if compared, then McDonalds is relatively higher in terms of visibility in the market (Harrington et. al., 2017). Positioning and Marketing Mix Positioning refers to the brand image created in the mind of the customers which make the product different from the other similar products prevailing in the market. It is one of the most powerful marketing concepts which influence the customers in purchasing the product of the company repeatedly. In order to create a position in the market the company needs to differentiates it product in the market from other competitors by providing distinguished features in the product. Due to this, the customer will get attracted towards the product and if they like it, then they will create a brand image in their mind which will lead them to repeat the transaction. Thus in this way positioning of a product is done in the market. But there are many other factors as well which position the product in the market (Naghshbandi, Stephen 2015). Furthermore, Four Ps of marketing mix used to position the product in the market are explained below: Product: product refers to the object with particular specifications for which the customer pays money to the company. The product shall hold distinctive features so that it is separated from other product in the market. The most important feature which the product shall hold is that it shall satisfy the customers needs. For e.g. Coca cola has good brand image in the market because it satisfy the expectations of the customers (Wibowo, Tielung 2016). Place: place refers to the availability of product in the market. The place at which the product is sold also affects the positioning of the product in the market. For instance, if a product is only sold at the supermarkets then the customer will create a mindset that the product holds a good band image (Keegan, Green 2015). Price: price is the amount which the customer pays to attain the product. If the market is price sensitive then is factor greatly influence the choice of the customers. It also includes other perks like gift vouchers, coupons, discounts etc. Promotion: it refers to the strategy through which the target market gets to know about the product and its specifications in the market. The companies need to pay attention by promoting their product in the adequate target market to position their product. Like the company Starbucks used online media to promote their product in the target market and increase its sale and customer base as well (Armstrong, et. al., 2015). Concluding to the above situations it can be said that the restaurants KFC and McDonalds have almost similar dimensions of operating its business but comparatively McDonalds has more systematic management. Also, positioning plays a vital role for the company in gaining organizational objective along with distinction in the market. References Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M. Brennan, R., 2015.Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education. Dibb, S. Simkin, L., 2013.Marketing essentials. Cengage Learning. Harrington, R.J., Harrington, R.J., Ottenbacher, M.C., Ottenbacher, M.C., Fauser, S. Fauser, S., 2017. 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