Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Political and Social Reality of the City of Seoul Research Paper

Political and Social Reality of the City of Seoul - Research Paper Example Polarization alludes to the way toward gathering of two feelings into two outrageous closures. Social polarization emerges from the typical cultural delineations and portrays itself in about each part of life in the individuals habiting a specific geological area. Polarization emerges from shows of life some of which individuals comply with normally yet others follow monetary capacities and delineation instruments. Each people group, including the cutting edge urban settlements, have various conclusions among its occupants frequently coming about in either polarization or semi polarization.â The city of Seoul in southern Korea is consequently no special case and encounters one of the most extreme degrees of polarization obvious in its example of home and the people’s lifestyle in the city. The extraordinary city of Seoul is the capital city of South Korea and apparently the biggest current city in the whole Korea. It is home to roughly fifty million individuals the vast majo rity of whom are South Korean nationals yet additionally gives habitation to in excess of ten million universal agents (O'Loughlin 33). The city has an intricate structure, one that considers and exhibits the monetary development of the nation and its intriguing history. The engineering of most high rises in the city exemplifies the innovation in plan and solace yet additionally imbed the rich social history of the South Korean individuals. The wide spotless roadways, the imaginatively tall structure structures, and the each glaring tram stations among other intriguing highlights, for example, Seoul’s nightlife all go about as a binding together component to the assorted individuals of the city. In any case, behind the charm and the magnificence, reality of the city lies in a progressively diagnostic examination of the residences’ lifestyle. ...where is open and each item accessible in the market, the sticker price on the wares and administrations in the market consist ently guarantee that the rich infrequently connected with poor people. Moreover, it accommodates a compelling instrument of holding the rich to their own general public and conceivably denying the poor access to such social orders. Seoul is one such city. Being a mechanical nation, the South Korean economy becomes quick with universal organizations offering ascend to amazingly rich businesspersons and business realms. The riches divergence and monetary unevenness impact the plan since the city needs to incorporate every one of its living arrangements in spite of their money related situating. This has brought about the introduction of two private areas in particular the Gangnam and the Gangbuk.â

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Battle Of Britain Essay Example For Students

Skirmish Of Britain Essay Skirmish of BritainDunkirk-May 1940In May of 1940 German powers attacked France. Before the finish of May Allied soldiers were cornered, on the coast, in the town of Dunkirk. They had been overwhelmed by the German blitzkrieg(?Battle of Britain?).Though German aircraft had crushed more than 200 of the salvage fleets sends, the British despite everything had the option to clear 224,000 of their soldiers alongside 123,00 French(Mosley 20). In spite of the fact that they had been compelled to forsake the greater part of their hardware and supplies on the sea shore, the British kept away from the snare set by the Germans. This occasion was the antecedent to the Battle of Britain. Now, Germany felt that Allied powers were feeble and if they somehow managed to attack Great Britain, the time was at that point. Prefight OddsAfter Dunkirk the Royal Air Force had low spirit and its numbers were seriously drained. In the endeavor to shield the salvage task force from the Luftwaffe the RAF(Royal Air Force) lost 106 warriors and 75 pilots, which was one fourth of their air power. By July 1940 the stage was set for the Battle of Britain, which was to be the main significant fight to be battled completely noticeable all around. In the months after Dunkirk a few components had become an integral factor that would both hurt and help the Allies and the Germans. The Luftwaffe was evaluated to have 4,500 first-line airplane and the RAF 2,900(Mosley 52). What's more, since the English Channel was the main thing isolating the Allies from the Germans, Britain expected to make up for lost time. The British expected to recharge their provisions and they expected to definitely expand the quantity of planes being delivered at the earliest opportunity. Two things brought the British more planes for the Battle of Britain. The first was Churchill not permitting additional planes to be traveled to France as helper, all things considered, France had just been vanquished and involved by German powers. The subsequent activity was the expanded industrial facility creation of planes. In the months that followed the clearing at Dunkirk, British specialists constructed 446 new warriors for the RAF, which was 100 more than the Germans were delivering. So as to construct this numerous new planes the production lines were working seven days every week and by Lord Beavbrooks ?work ceaselessly? strategy. While trying to support the exertion, ladies all over Britain put their family things containing aluminum out for assortment, with the goal that the vital materials for warrior creation was available(Mosley 52). Another in addition to for Britain was their aircraft. The aircraft would be utilized to assault focuses in Germanys mechanical heartland and furthermore in German-controlled Channel ports, whe re German boats were amassing for Operation Sea Lion ,the anticipated seaborne attack of Britain. They likewise had great RAF warriors, which would be expected to secure the British Isles during the battle(Mosley 54). One other noteworthy home bit of leeway for Britain was that they had the option to recoup any pilots who had rescued of their planes moderately rapidly on the grounds that they had the Royal Navy prepared and in the event that they arrived in GB they wouldnt need to stress over being placed in a POW camp. There were three other cautious preferences the British had: Command headquarters(defensive air activities), radar, and a German code breaking machine. England found their base of activities at Bently Priory, an eighteenth century chateau. It was their top-mystery center of air activities, with a plotting room(worked by the Womens Auxiliary Air Force), where Chief Marshal Dowding and his air-controllers would watch the extraordinary diagram and plan the fight stateme nts to be made to the RAF(Mosley 56). Radar(RAdio Detection And Ranging) was a significant part of Britains ground barriers. England utilized it to distinguish far off articles, their area, and their speed, by breaking down the ultra-high-recurrence radio waves reflected from their surfaces. Dowding made an interchanges coordinate with radar reports, which would get took care of back to Bently Priorys focal plotting room, where Dowding and his staff would have the option to send contenders where and when they were required. Radar was the principal type of a cutting edge air barrier organize system(?Battle of Britain? also, Mosley 54). The code breaking machine was likewise a significant asset and furthermore a top-mystery one as well. The machine was kept so mystery that even Dowdings subordinate officers didnt think about it. The machine empowered the British to capture and break complex German codes, permitting them to evaluate the Luftwaffes proposed targets and the quantities of airplane to be utilized even before the planes left the ground(Mosley 56). Then again, it looked as though all the chances were against Britain and for Germany after Dunkirk, yet Germany made a progression of errors that wound up costing them beyond a reasonable doubt. One of the primary mix-ups made by Germany was their unaltered pace of plane creation after Dunkirk. Hitler accepted that on the off chance that they expanded plane creation it would caution the number of inhabitants in Germany and furthermore that the crude materials used to fabricate the planes ought to be coordinated towards the creation of firearms. Additionally if the Luftwaffe needed to bomb London or some other huge modern city they would require all the more long-extend substantial planes but since of the slowed down creation they werent constructed. The main planes Germany had accessible toward the start of the fight were Dornier-17 and the Heinkel-111. The two planes had short ranges and were powerless agai nst contenders coming in at them from specific edges. Some portion of Germanys methodology going into the Battle of Britain was that the ground troops would be the most significant angle once they landed and that their contenders and aircraft would be primarily utilized as hostile support(Mosley 47). That was one of their first errors. One of Germanys most exceedingly awful disappointments in the skies was with their Junkers-87 plunge aircraft. It was a profoundly compelling aircraft yet it was entirely defenseless against RAF warriors. The other exceptionally powerful German military aircraft was the Me-109(Messerschmitt-109) however there was additionally a defect to it. The Me-109 had a horrible range and was scarcely sufficient for the activities expected of it. It could just fly for 80 minutes, hence, with the measure of time it took to fly to and fro it just had a limit of twenty battle minutes accessible making numerous planes come up short on fuel and crash before they could return to France and land(Mosley 49). Another erroneous conclusion of the German methodology was the significance and utilization of radar in air tasks. They put most radar use in the hands of their naval force since they figured it would be increasingly valuable in sea reconnaissance(Mosley 54). In the event that Germany had invested more energy into building up the Luftwaffe for the Battle of Britain and used all conceivable air assets their miscount probably won't have turned out so exorbitant. The Clarksville Art Scene and the Community EssayHerman GoringHerman Goring was leader of the Luftwaffe between 1933-1945. He was second in capacity to Adolf Hitler. Gutting regulated arrangement of the Luftwaffe before World War 2. Gutting wound up slaughtering himself while in jail anticipating execution for war crimes(?Battle of Britain?). Sir Hugh DowdingDowding was the Air Chief Marshall during the Battle of Britain, leader of the RAF Fighter Command, and the protective partner of Sir Arthur Harris. Dowding developed the cautious air intensity of the RAF during the 1930s. After the Battle of Britain, Dowding lost his situation after an arrangement contest. The system he utilized during the Battle of Britain and his constant assurance are credited for the fruitful protection of Britain(?Battle of Britain?). Well known Planes of the RAFThe Supermarine Spitfire filled in as a first-line contender all through WW2. It was quick and flexibility. Its slender circular wings made it prepared to do exceptionally high speeds(571 km/hr). It had a Ceiling of 10,360 meters and a Range of 805 km. The make-up of the plane was ceaselessly being changed to address the issues of low and high height warriors, tropicalized, navalized, or prepared as an unarmed photograph observation airplane. Its one of the most well known military airplane ever. There were 20,351 assembled and the RAF resigned the last Spitfire in 1954(?Battle of Britain?). The Hawker Hurricane was a biplane, structure astute, with a monoplane design. It had a Speed of 520 km/hr, a Ceiling of 10,900 meters, and a Range of 965 km. The fuselage was a supported steel tube development, with wooden edges and texture covering, making it simple to fix. The Hurricane was generally second rate compared to the best warriors however they were solid, dependable, and simple to deliver. Most contenders during the Battle of Britain were Hurricanes and later models were utilized as ground assault and hostile to tank airplane since they were outdated as warriors. 14,533 were built(?Battle of Britain?). The Boulton Paul Defiant was a two seat warrior with a four weapon combat hardware. It had beginning achievement however overwhelming loses followed. It had a Max. Speed of 485 km/hr, a Ceiling of 9,250 meters, and a Range of 740 km. It was later utilized as a night warrior and afterward as an objective pull. There were 1,064 built(?Battle of Britain?). Acclaimed Planes of the LuftwaffeThe Messerschmitt Bf 109 was a standard Luftwaffe contender all through the war. It had great execution and dealing with yet it had confined vision, terrible landing qualities, and it couldnt convey a ton of combat hardware since it was so little. It was the littlest casing that could be worked around the huge and ground-breaking motor. The Me-109 had a Max. Speed of 560 km/hr, a Ceiling of 10,500 meters, and a Range of 660 km. It was perhaps the best warrior in the world(E model). There were around 35,000 fabricated and creation proceeded in Spain after the war(?Battle of Britain?). The Junkers Ju 88 was one of the most adaptable airplane of the war. It was utilized for different kinds of air fight: jump plane, observation airplane, torpedo-aircraft, night warrior, overwhelming day contender, and an enemy of tank airplane. The plane had a Speed of 470 km/hr, a Ceiling of 8,200 meters, and a Range of 2,730 km. There wer

Friday, August 21, 2020

Reactors are my friends.

Reactors are my friends. As you may or may not know, my job this summer is turning turkeys into oil. How do you turn a turkey into oil? Well, Chester, according to Changing World Technologies, you take a turkey, cut off all the meat and stuff that non-vegetarians might eat, then take the carcass, throw it into a pot, grind it up, heat it up to 250 C and 40 atmospheres, dehydrate it, then heat it up to about 500 C, and BAM! distill off some usable heating oil. Not only do you get rid of agricultural waste (without feeding it to other animals), but you get a clean biologically-derived fuel out of it as well as some fertilizer and coal byproducts if youre lucky. To summarize, But, oops, Chester, looks like when you heat the grotesque biological slurry of turkey carcasses (left) to 250 C, you get the Maillard reaction. This is a non-enzymatic browning reaction which is usually responsible for the deliciousness of caramel, golden-brown cookies, bread crusts, and seared meat, but in this case is responsible for huge, gummy brown-black polymeric complexes that stick in your reactor and prevent you from operating continuously. So, Changing World Technologies has asked our lab to develop a new method which will minimize the formation of these Maillard reaction products. Basically, my grad student Andy and I are building a reactor and heating turkey waste to 250 C, then varying conditions like temperature, pH, buffer concentration, and residence time to see if we can prevent the Maillard reaction. Over the past year, my job has involved everything from hardcore organic synthesis to building a giant cardboard box in which to ship our defective sand bath back to New Jersey. You can read all about it in this Discover article. Not to brag, but I got to have dinner with Terry Adams, who must be pretty famous and pretty smart because hes quoted in that article. We spent most of our time discussing the worst-smelling jobs wed ever had. Have you ever been to a mushroom barn, like in Pennsylvania Amish country? Well, actually, I have, Mr. Adams. By the way, we dont really use turkey wastejust a solution of glucose and glycine meant to simulate turkey waste, which still ends up smelling pretty rank when it comes out of the reactor. If we had used the real stuff, I fear I would have quit long ago. Anyway, the rest of this post is on a somewhat lighter subject (get it?). You might expect an MIT laboratory to be really sterile, stuffy, and clean, but our lab is far from it. Well, I mean, not too far. Oh, just read on to find four things youd never expect to see in an MIT laboratory. Nobody knows how it was even physically possible to get this pipe wrench stuck in a piece of Unistrut, but somehow it happened. Actually, its really useful because its quite solidly embedded in the Unistrut and its not going anywhere. So, if you ever need to tighten something thats, say, 13/16 of an inch wide, you get an extra 6 inches or so of lever arm (torque equals force times lever arm). Maybe it was intentional. This week Andy and I are just doing a residence time study on our reactor, so we only need to set up this UV spectrophotometer temporarily. Still, I think suspending our waste funnel by the strings of two stopwatches and a binder clip is a little too much Macgyvering when we have, you know, string and rope and tape and stuff in the lab. The stopwatches are both broken, though, so I guess its in the spirit of our lab to recycle them (like we recycle turkey waste, get it?). Jason, whos working on the degradation of ammonia in supercritical water, is convinced that his reactor only works as a result of magic beads. One day a distinguished professor came to our group seminar and handed out Mardi Gras beads. Because it was Mardi Gras. Then somehow Jason acquired this spoon, which also seems to help the functioning of the plug flow reactor. Sometimes he bumps the spoon in the morning and worries that the reactor will stop working for the rest of the day because the spoon is angry. Jason has two degrees from Berkeley and should be receiving his PhD from MIT in January. Just saying. This is Chads Sleigh Ride Bath Shower Gel because you have to look and smell your best when youre researching underwater flame spallation rock drilling for applications in harnessing geothermal energy. No, actually, I have no idea why he keeps this in lab. But one time he drilled through a rock with a blowtorch! Also, he makes underwater fire! Well, thats my lab. Time to get out now. Isnt that what they used to say on Cribz, that MTV show where you show off your room? Thats what I was going for, anyway. I never watched that show.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The And Its Effect On The World s Things Fall Apart

European Imperialists have followed a set pattern to occupy the African, Asian and other colonies. It was never a direct imposition of power. Their policy was to enter the colony as tradesmen, learn about the history, religion, and social conditions prevailing in that country. Then they introduced Christianity through missionaries. They assumed European culture, philosophy, religion, scientific progress administration and overall European civilization at the peak point of development. English education was introduced to show all this European wealth to the people of that country. But this overtly evangelical act had a covert purpose of training some people to work for them. Next step was to tempt people with various temptations and convert†¦show more content†¦(10) Clash of Cultures: In Things Fall Apart Achebe vividly portrays this cultural politics and its ramifications. The novel is divided into three parts, in the first part the richness of the traditional Igbo culture is delineated in all its aspects. It is done through the story of Okonkwo, the protagonist and the heroic leader of the warlike Umuofia clan. Yet what happens to Okonkwo is not of central NEW MAN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY STUDIES (ISSN: 2348-1390) VOL. 1 ISSUE 6 JUNE 2014 85 importance, rather it is what happens to the clan. This clan consists of nine villages of which Umuofia was the chief one. In first part there are vivid descriptions of the gods and oracles, myths, beliefs, superstitions, laws and administration, festivities of the clan. It also tells the story of Okonkwo’s rise in the clan from the son of a failure to one of the lords of the clan. Till the end of the first part in chapter thirteen we witness the glory of the Igbo world which was untouched of any external influence. Okonkwo unintentionally kills a kinsman and is banished from his clan in keeping with the law of the land. With this we come to second part and Okonkwo to the village of Mbanta, his motherland. The second and third part shows the intrusion of the white men into Igbo land and its ramifications. The spelling and meaning of

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Twilight Saga 4 Breaking Dawn 13. Good Thing I’ve Got A Strong Stomach Free Essays

string(73) " down my spine as I saw how frail she’d gotten in less than a day\." 13. Good Thing I’ve Got A Strong Stomach Carlisle and Rosalie were off in a flash, darting upstairs. I could hear them debating whether they should warm it up for her. We will write a custom essay sample on The Twilight Saga 4: Breaking Dawn 13. Good Thing I’ve Got A Strong Stomach or any similar topic only for you Order Now Ugh. i wondered what all house-of-horrors stuff they kept around here. Fridge full of blood, check. What else? Torture chamber? Coffin room? Edward stayed, holding Bella’s hand. His face was dead again. He didn’t seem to have the energy to keep up even that little hint of hope he’d had before. They stared into each other’s eyes, but not in a gooey way. It was like they were having a conversation. Kind of reminded me of Sam and Emily. No, it wasn’t gooey, but that only made it harder to watch. I knew what it was like for Leah, having to see that all the time. Having to hear it in Sam’s head. Of course we all felt bad for her, we weren’t monsters – in that sense, anyway. But I guess we’d blamed her for how she handled it. Lashing out at everyone, trying to make us all as miserable as she was. I would never blame her again. How could anyone help spreading this kind of misery around? How could anyone not try to ease some of the burden by shoving a little piece of it off on someone else? And if it meant that I had to have a pack, how could I blame her for taking my freedom? I would do the same. If there was a way to escape this pain, I’d take it, too. Rosalie darted downstairs after a second, flying through the room like a sharp breeze, stirring up the burning smell. She stopped inside the kitchen, and I heard the creak of a cupboard door. â€Å"Note ear, Rosalie,† Edward murmured. He rolled his eyes. Bella looked curious, but Edward just shook his head at her. Rosalie blew back through the room and disappeared again. â€Å"This was your idea?† Bella whispered, her voice rough as she strained to make it loud enough for me to hear. Forgetting that I could hear just fine. I kind of liked how, a lot of the time, she seemed to forget that I wasn’t completely human. I moved closer, so that she wouldn’t have to work so hard. â€Å"Don’t blame me for this one. Your vampire was just picking snide comments out of my head.† She smiled a little. â€Å"I didn’t expect to see you again.† â€Å"Yeah, me, either,† I said. It felt weird just standing here, but the vampires had shoved all the furniture out of the way for the medical setup. I imagined that it didn’t bother them – sitting or standing didn’t make much difference when you were stone. Wouldn’t bother me much, either, except that I was so exhausted. â€Å"Edward told me what you had to do. I’m sorry.† â€Å"S’okay. It was probably only a matter of time till I snapped over something Sam wanted me to do,† I lied. â€Å"And Seth,† she whispered. â€Å"He’s actually happy to help.† â€Å"I hate causing you trouble.† I laughed once – more a bark than a laugh. She breathed a faint sigh. â€Å"I guess that’s nothing new, is it?† â€Å"No, not really.† â€Å"You don’t have to stay and watch this,† she said, barely mouthing the words. I could leave. It was probably a good idea. But if I did, with the way she looked right now, I could be missing the last fifteen minutes of her life. â€Å"I don’t really have anywhere else to go,† I told her, trying to keep the emotion out of my voice. â€Å"The wolf thing is a lot less appealing since Leah joined up.† â€Å"Leah?† she gasped. â€Å"You didn’t tell her?† I asked Edward. He just shrugged without moving his eyes from her face. I could see it wasn’t very exciting news to him, not something worth sharing with the more important events that were going down. Bella didn’t take it so lightly. It looked like it was bad news to her. â€Å"Why?† she breathed. I didn’t want to get into the whole novel-length version. â€Å"To keep an eye on Seth.† â€Å"But Leah hates us,† she whispered. Us.Nice. I could see that she was afraid, though. â€Å"Leah’s not going to bug anyone.† But me. â€Å"She’s in my pack† – I grimaced at the words – â€Å"so she follows my lead.† Ugh. Bella didn’t look convinced. â€Å"You’re scared of Leah, but you’re best buds with the psychopath blonde?† There was a low hiss from the second floor. Cool, she’d heard me. Bella frowned at me. â€Å"Don’t. Rose†¦ understands.† â€Å"Yeah,† i grunted. â€Å"She understands that you’re gonna die and she doesn’t care, s’long as she gets her mutant spawn out of the deal.† â€Å"Stop being a jerk, Jacob,† she whispered. She looked too weak to get mad at. I tried to smile instead. â€Å"You say that like it’s possible.† Bella tried not to smile back for a second, but she couldn’t help it in the end; her chalky lips pulled up at the corners. And then Carlisle and the psycho in question were there. Carlisle had a white plastic cup in his hand – the kind with a lid and a bendy straw. Oh – not clear,now I got it. Edward didn’t want Bella to have to think about what she was doing any more than necessary. You couldn’t see what was in the cup at all. But I could smell it. Carlisle hesitated, the hand with the cup half-extended. Bella eyed it, looking scared again. â€Å"We could try another method,† Carlisle said quietly. â€Å"No,† Bella whispered. â€Å"No,111 try this first. We don’t have time†¦.† At first I thought she’d finally gotten a clue and was worried about herself, but then her hand fluttered feebly against her stomach. Bellareached out and took the cup from him. Her hand shook a little, and I could hear the sloshing from inside. She tried to prop herself up on one elbow, but she could barely lift her head. A whisper of heat brushed down my spine as I saw how frail she’d gotten in less than a day. You read "The Twilight Saga 4: Breaking Dawn 13. Good Thing I’ve Got A Strong Stomach" in category "Essay examples" Rosalie put her arm under Bella’s shoulders, supporting her head, too, like you did with a newborn. Blondie was all about the babies. â€Å"Thanks,† Bella whispered. Her eyes flickered around at us. Still aware enough to feel self-conscious. If she wasn’t so drained, I’d bet she’d’ve blushed. â€Å"Don’t mind them,† Rosalie murmured. It made me feel awkward. I should’ve left when Bella’d offered the chance. I didn’t belong here, being part of this. I thought about ducking out, but then I realized a move like that would only make this worse for Bella – make it harder for her to go through with it. She’d figure I was too disgusted to stay. Which was almost true. Still. While I wasn’t going to claim responsibility for this idea, I didn’t want to jinx it, either. Bella lifted the cup to her face and sniffed at the end of the straw. She flinched, and then made a face. â€Å"Bella, sweetheart, we can find an easier way,† Edward said, holding his hand out for the cup. â€Å"Plug your nose,† Rosalie suggested. She glared at Edward’s hand like she might take a snap at it. I wished she would. I bet Edward wouldn’t take that sitting down, and I’d love to see Blondie lose a limb. â€Å"No, that’s not it. It’s just that it – â€Å"Bella sucked in a deep breath. â€Å"It smells good,† she admitted in a tiny voice. I swallowed hard, fighting to keep the disgust off my face. â€Å"That’s a good thing,† Rosalie told Bella eagerly. â€Å"That means we’re on the right track. Give it a try.† Given Blondie’s new expression, I was surprised she didn’t break into a touchdown dance. Bella shoved the straw between her lips, squeezed her eyes shut, and wrinkled her nose. I could hear the blood slopping around in the cup again as her hand shook. She sipped at it for a second, and then moaned quietly with her eyes still closed. Edward and I stepped forward at the same time. He touched her face. I clenched my hands behind my back. â€Å"Bella, love – â€Å" Tm okay,† she whispered. She opened her eyes and stared up at him. Her expression was†¦ apologetic. Pleading. Scared. â€Å"It tastes good, too.† Acid churned in my stomach, threatening to overflow. I ground my teeth together. â€Å"That’s good,† Blondie repeated, still jazzed. â€Å"A good sign.† Edward just pressed his hand to her cheek, curling his fingers around the shape of her fragile bones. Bella sighed and put her lips to the straw again. She took a real pull this time. The action wasn’t as weak as everything else about her. Like some instinct was taking over. â€Å"How’s your stomach? Do you feel nauseated?† Carlisle asked. Bella shook her head. â€Å"No, I don’t feel sick,† she whispered. â€Å"There’s a first, eh?† Rosalie beamed. â€Å"Excellent.† â€Å"I think it’s a bit early for that, Rose,† Carlisle murmured. Bella gulped another mouthful of blood. Then she flashed a look at Edward. â€Å"Does this screw my total?† she whispered. â€Å"Or do we start counting after I’m a vampire?† â€Å"No one is counting, Bella. In any case, no one died for this.† He smiled a lifeless smile. â€Å"Your record is still clean.† They’d lost me. â€Å"I’ll explain later,† Edward said, so low the words were just a breath. â€Å"What?† Bella whispered. â€Å"Just talking to myself,† he lied smoothly. If he succeeded with this, if Bella lived, Edward wasn’t going to be able to get away with so much when her senses were as sharp as his. He’d have to work on the honesty thing. Edward’s lips twitched, fighting a smile. Bella chugged a few more ounces, staring past us toward the window. Probably pretending we weren’t here. Or maybe just me. No one else in this group would be disgusted by what she was doing. Just the opposite – they were probably having a tough time not ripping the cup away from her. Edward rolled his eyes. Jeez, how did anyone stand living with him? It was really too bad he couldn’t hear Bella’s thoughts. Then he’d annoy the crap out of her, too, and she’d get tired of him. Edward chuckled once. Bella’s eyes flicked to him immediately, and she half-smiled at the humor in his face. I would guess that wasn’t something she’d seen in a while. â€Å"Something funny?† she breathed. â€Å"Jacob,† he answered. She looked over with another weary smile for me. â€Å"Jake’s a crack-up,† she agreed. Great, now I was the court jester. â€Å"Bada bing† I mumbled in weak rim-shot impression. She smiled again, and then took another swig from the cup. I flinched when the straw pulled at empty air, making a loud sucking sound. â€Å"I did it,† she said, sounding pleased. Her voice was clearer – rough, but not a whisper for the first time today. â€Å"If I keep this down, Carlisle, will you take the needles out of me?† â€Å"As soon as possible,† he promised. â€Å"Honestly, they aren’t doing that much good where they are.† Rosalie patted Bella’s forehead, and they exchanged a hopeful glance. And anyone could see it – the cup full of human blood had made an immediate difference. Her color was returning – there was a tiny hint of pink in her waxy cheeks. Already she didn’t seem to need Rosalie’s support so much anymore. Her breathing was easier, and I would swear her heartbeat was stronger, more even. Everything accelerated. That ghost of hope in Edward’s eyes had turned into the real thing. â€Å"Would you like more?† Rosalie pressed. Bella’s shoulders slumped. Edward flashed a glare at Rosalie before he spoke to Bella. â€Å"You don’t have to drink more right away.† â€Å"Yeah, I know. But†¦ I want to† she admitted glumly. Rosalie pulled her thin, sharp fingers through Bella’s lank hair. â€Å"You don’t need to be embarrassed about that, Bella. Your body has cravings. We all understand that.† Her tone was soothing at first, but then she added harshly, â€Å"Anyone who doesn’t understand shouldn’t be here.† Meant for me, obviously, but I wasn’t going to let Blondie get to me. I was glad Bella felt better. So what if the means grossed me out? It wasn’t like I’d said anything. Carlisle took the cup from Bella’s hand. â€Å"I’ll be right back.† Bella stared at me while he disappeared. â€Å"Jake, you look awful,† she croaked. â€Å"Look who’s talking.† â€Å"Seriously – when’s the last time you slept?† I thought about that for a second. â€Å"Huh. I’m not actually sure.† â€Å"Aw, Jake. Now I’m messing with your health, too. Don’t be stupid.† I gritted my teeth. She was allowed to kill herself for a monster, but I wasn’t allowed to miss a few nights’ sleep to watch her do it? â€Å"Get some rest, please,† she went on. â€Å"There’re a few beds upstairs – you’re welcome to any of them.† The look on Rosalie’s face made it clear that I wasn’t welcome to one of them. It made me wonder what Sleepless Beauty needed a bed for anyway. Was she that possessive of her props? â€Å"Thanks, Bells, but I’d rather sleep on the ground. Away from the stench, you know.† She grimaced. â€Å"Right.† Carlisle was back then, and Bella reached out for the blood, absentminded, like she was thinking of something else. With the same distracted expression, she started sucking it down. She really was looking better. She pulled herself forward, being careful of the tubes, and scooted into a sitting position. Rosalie hovered, her hands ready to catch Bella if she sagged. But Bella didn’t need her. Taking deep breaths in between swallows, Bella finished the second cup quickly. â€Å"How do you feel now?† Carlisle asked. â€Å"Not sick. Sort of hungry†¦ only I’m not sure if I’m hungry or thirsty, you know?† â€Å"Carlisle, just look at her,† Rosalie murmured, so smug she should have canary feathers on her lips. â€Å"This is obviously what her body wants. She should drink more.† â€Å"She’s still human, Rosalie. She needs food, too. Let’s give her a little while to see how this affects her, and then maybe we can try some food again. Does anything sound particularly good to you, Bella?† â€Å"Eggs,† she said immediately, and then she exchanged a look and a smile with Edward. His smile was brittle, but there was more life on his face than before. I blinked then, and almost forgot how to open my eyes again. â€Å"Jacob,† Edward murmured. â€Å"You really should sleep. As Bella said, you’re certainly welcome to the accommodations here, though you’d probably be more comfortable outside. Don’t worry about anything – I promise 111 find you if there’s a need.† â€Å"Sure, sure,† I mumbled. Now that it appeared Bella had a few more hours, I could escape. Go curl up under a tree somewhere†¦. Far enough away that the smell couldn’t reach me. The bloodsucker would wake me up if something went wrong. He owed me. â€Å"I do,† Edward agreed. I nodded and then put my hand on Bella’s. Hers was icy cold. â€Å"Feel better,† I said. â€Å"Thanks, Jacob.† She turned her hand over and squeezed mine. I felt the thin band of her wedding ring riding loose on her skinny finger. â€Å"Get her a blanket or something,† I muttered as I turned for the door. Before I made it, two howls pierced the still morning air. There was no mistaking the urgency of the tone. No misunderstanding this time. â€Å"Dammit,† I snarled, and I threw myself through the door. I hurled my body off the porch, letting the fire rip me apart midair. There was a sharp tearing sound as my shorts shredded. Crap. Those were the only clothes I had. Didn’t matter now. I landed on paws and took off toward the west. What is it?I shouted in my head. Incoming,Seth answered. At least three. Did they split up? I’m running the line back to Seth at the speed of lightLeah promised. I could feel the air huffing through her lungs as she pushed herself to an incredible velocity. The forest whipped around her. So far, no other point of attack. Seth, donot challenge them. Wait forme. They’re slowing. Ugh – its sooff not being able to hear them. I think†¦ What? I think they’ve stopped. Waiting for the rest of the pack? Shh. Feel that? I absorbed his impressions. The faint, soundless shimmer in the air. Someone’s phasing? Feels like it,Seth agreed. Leah flew into the small open space where Seth waited. She raked her claws into the dirt, spinning out like a race car. Got your back, bro. They’re coming,Seth said nervously. Slow. Walking. Almost there,I told them. I tried to fly like Leah. It felt horrible being separated from Seth and Leah with potential danger closer to their end than mine. Wrong. I should be with them, between them and whatever was coming. Look who’s getting all paternal,Leah thought wryly. Head in the game, Leah. Four,Seth decided. Kid had good ears. Three wolves, one man. I made the little clearing then, moving immediately to the point. Seth sighed with relief and then straightened up, already in place at my right shoulder. Leah fell in on my left with a little less enthusiasm. So now I rank under Seth,she grumbled to herself. First come, first served,Seth thought smugly. ‘Sides, you were never an Alpha’s Third before. Still an upgrade. Under my baby brother is not an upgrade. Shh!I complained. don’t care where you stand. Shut up and get ready. They came into view a few seconds later, walking, as Seth had thought. Jared in the front, human, hands up. Paul and Quil and Collin on four legs behind him. There was no aggression in their postures. They hung back behind Jared, ears up, alert but calm. But†¦ it was weird that Sam would send Collin rather than Embry. That wasn’t what I would do if I were sending a diplomacy party into enemy territory. I wouldn’t send a kid. I’d send the experienced fighter. A diversion?Leah thought. Were Sam, Embry, and Brady making a move alone? That didn’t seem likely. Want me to check? I can run the line and be back in two minutes. Should I warn the Cullens?Seth wondered. What if the point was to divide us?I asked. The Cullens know something’s up. They’re ready. Sam wouldn’t be so stupid†¦,Leah whispered, fear jagged in her mind. She was imagining Sam attacking the Cullens with only the two others beside him. No, he wouldn’t,I assured her, though I felt a little sick at the image in her head, too. All the while, Jared and the three wolves stared at us, waiting. It was eerie not to hear what Quil and Paul and Collin were saying to one another. Their expressions were blank – unreadable. Jared cleared his throat, and then he nodded to me. â€Å"White flag of truce, Jake. We’re here to talk.† Think it’s true?Seth asked. Makes sense, but†¦ Yeah,Leah agreed. But. We didn’t relax. Jared frowned. â€Å"It would be easier to talk if I could hear you, too.† I stared him down. I wasn’t going to phase back until I felt better about this situation. Until it made sense. Why Collin? That was the part that had me most worried. â€Å"Okay. I guess I’ll just talk, then,† Jared said. â€Å"Jake, we want you to come back.† Quil let out a soft whine behind him. Seconding the statement. â€Å"You’ve torn our family apart. It’s not meant to be this way.† I wasn’t exactly in disagreement with that, but it was hardly the point. There were a few unresolved differences of opinion between me and Sam at the moment. â€Å"We know that you feel†¦ strongly about the situation with the Cullens. We know that’s a problem. But this is an overreaction.† Seth growled. Overreaction? And attacking our allies without warning isn’t? Seth, you ever heard of a poker face? Cool it. Sorry. Jared’s eyes flickered to Seth and back to me. â€Å"Sam is willing to take this slowly, Jacob. He’s calmed down, talked to the other Elders. They’ve decided that immediate action is in no one’s best interest at this point.† Translation: They’ve already lost the element of surprise,Leah thought. It was weird how distinct our joint thinking was. The pack was already Sam’s pack, was already â€Å"them† to us. Something outside and other. It was especially weird to have Leah thinking that way – to have her be a solid part of the â€Å"us.† â€Å"Billy and Sue agree with you, Jacob, that we can wait for Bella†¦ to be separated from the problem. Killing her is not something any of us feel comfortable with.† Though I’d just given Seth crap for it, I couldn’t hold back a small snarl of my own. So they didn’t quite feel comfortablewith murder, huh? Jared raised his hands again. â€Å"Easy, Jake. You know what I mean. The point is, we’re going to wait and reassess the situation. Decide later if there’s a problem with the†¦ thing.† Ha,Leah thought. What a load. You don’t buy it? I know what they’re thinking, Jake. WhatSam’s thinking. They’re betting on Bella dying anyway. And then they figure you’ll be so mad. . . That I’ll lead the attack myself.My ears pressed against my skull. What Leah was guessing sounded pretty spot-on. And very possible, too. When†¦ if that thing killed Bella, it was going to be easy to forget how I felt about Carlisle’s family right now. They would probably look like enemies – like no more than bloodsucking leeches – to me all over again. I’ll remind you,Seth whispered. know you will, kid. Question is whether I’ll listen to you. â€Å"Jake?† Jared asked. I huffed a sigh. Leah, make a circuit – just to be sure. I’m going to have to talk to him, and I want to bepositive there isn’t anything else going on while I’m phased. Give me a break, Jacob. You can phase in front of me. Despite my best efforts, I’ve seen you naked before – doesn’t do much forme, so no worries. I’m not trying to protect the innocence of your eyes, I’m trying to protect our backs. Get out of here. Leah snorted once and then launched herself into the forest. I could hear her claws cutting into the soil, pushing her faster. Nudity was an inconvenient but unavoidable part of pack life. We’d all thought nothing of it before Leah came along. Then it got awkward. Leah had average control when it came to her temper – it took her the usual length of time to stop exploding out of her clothes every time she got pissed. We’d all caught a glimpse. And it wasn’t like she wasn’t worth looking at; it was just that it was so not worth it when she caught you thinking about it later. Jared and the others were staring at the place where she’d disappeared into the brush with wary expressions. â€Å"Where’s she going?† Jared asked. I ignored him, closing my eyes and pulling myself together again. It felt like the air was trembling around me, shaking out from me in small waves. I lifted myself up on my hind legs, catching the moment just right so that I was fully upright as I shimmered down into my human self. â€Å"Oh,† Jared said. â€Å"Hey, Jake.† â€Å"Hey, Jared.† â€Å"Thanks for talking to me.† â€Å"Yeah.† â€Å"We want you to come back, man.† Quil whined again. â€Å"I don’t know if it’s that easy, Jared.† â€Å"Come home,† he said, leaning forward. Pleading. â€Å"We can sort this out. You don’t belong here. Let Seth and Leah come home, too.† I laughed. â€Å"Right. Like I haven’t been begging them to do that from hour one.† Seth snorted behind me. Jared assessed that, his eyes cautious again. â€Å"So, what now, then?† I thought that over for a minute while he waited. â€Å"I don’t know. But I’m not sure things could just go back to normal anyway, Jared. I don’t know how it works – it doesn’t feel like I can just turn this Alpha thing off and on as the mood strikes. It feels sort of permanent.† â€Å"You still belong with us.† I raised my eyebrows. â€Å"Two Alphas can’t belong in the same place, Jared. Remember how close it got last night? The instinct is too competitive.† â€Å"So are you all just going to hang out with the parasites for the rest of your lives?† he demanded. â€Å"You don’t have a home here. You’re already out of clothes,† he pointed out. â€Å"You gonna stay wolf all the time? You know Leah doesn’t like eating that way.† â€Å"Leah can do whatever she wants when she gets hungry. She’s here by her own choice. I’m not telling anyone what to do.† Jared sighed. â€Å"Sam is sorry about what he did to you.† I nodded. â€Å"I’m not angry anymore.† â€Å"But?† â€Å"But I’m not coming back, not now. We’re going to wait and see how it plays out, too. And we’re going to watch out for the Cullens for as long as that seems necessary. Because, despite what you think, this isn’t just about Bella. We’re protecting those who should be protected. And that applies to the Cullens, too.† At least a fair number of them, anyway. Seth yelped softly in agreement. Jared frowned. â€Å"I guess there’s nothing I can say to you, then.† â€Å"Not now. We’ll see how things go.† Jared turned to face Seth, concentrating on him now, separate from me. â€Å"Sue asked me to tell you – no, to beg you – to come home. She’s brokenhearted, Seth. All alone. I don’t know how you and Leah can do this to her. Abandon her this way, when your dad just barely died – â€Å" Seth whimpered. â€Å"Ease up, Jared,† I warned. â€Å"Just letting him know how it is.† I snorted. â€Å"Right.† Sue was tougher than anyone I knew. Tougher than my dad, tougher than me. Tough enough to play on her kids’ sympathies if that’s what it took to get them home. But it wasn’t fair to work Seth that way. â€Å"Sue’s known about this for how many hours now? And most of that time spent with Billy and Old Quil and Sam? Yeah, I’m sure she’s just perishing of loneliness. ‘Course you’re free to go if you want, Seth. You know that.† Seth sniffed. Then, a second later, he cocked an ear to the north. Leah must be close. Jeez, she was fast. Two beats, and Leah skidded to a stop in the brush a few yards away. She trotted in, taking the point in front of Seth. She kept her nose in the air, very obviously not looking in my direction. I appreciated that. â€Å"Leah?† Jared asked. She met his gaze, her muzzle pulling back a little over her teeth. Jared didn’t seem surprised by her hostility. â€Å"Leah, you know you don’t want to be here.† She snarled at him. I gave her a warning glance she didn’t see. Seth whined and nudged her with his shoulder. â€Å"Sorry,† Jared said. â€Å"Guess I shouldn’t assume. But you don’t have any ties to the bloodsuckers.† Leah very deliberately looked at her brother and then at me. â€Å"So you want to watch out for Seth, I get that,† Jared said. His eyes touched my face and then went back to hers. Probably wondering about that second look – just like I was. â€Å"But Jake’s not going to let anything happen to him, and he’s not afraid to be here.† Jared made a face. â€Å"Anyway, please, Leah. We want you back. Sam wants you back.† Leah’s tail twitched. â€Å"Sam told me to beg. He told me to literally get down on my knees if I have to. He wants you home, Lee-lee, where you belong.† I saw Leah flinch when Jared used Sam’s old nickname for her. And then, when he added those last three words, her hackles rose and she was yowling a long stream of snarls through her teeth. I didn’t have to be in her head to hear the cussing-out she was giving him, and neither did he. You could almost hear the exact words she was using. I waited till she was done. â€Å"I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that Leah belongs wherever she wants to be.† Leah growled, but, as she was glaring at Jared, I figured it was in agreement. â€Å"Look, Jared, we’re still family, okay? We’ll get past the feud, but, until we do, you probably ought to stick to your land. Just so there aren’t misunderstandings. Nobody wants a family brawl, right? Sam doesn’t want that, either, does he?† â€Å"Of course, not,† Jared snapped. â€Å"We’ll stick to our land. But where is your land, Jacob? Is it vampire land?† â€Å"No, Jared. Homeless at the moment. But don’t worry – this isn’t going to last forever.† I had to take a breath. â€Å"There’s not that much time†¦ left. Okay? Then the Cullens will probably go, and Seth and Leah will come home.† Leah and Seth whined together, their noses turning my direction in synchronization. â€Å"And what about you, Jake?† â€Å"Back to the forest, I think. I can’t really stick around La Push. Two Alphas means too much tension. ‘Sides, I was headed that way anyway. Before this mess.† â€Å"What if we need to talk?† Jared asked. â€Å"Howl – but watch the line, ‘kay? We’ll come to you. And Sam doesn’t need to send so many. We aren’t looking for a fight.† Jared scowled, but nodded. He didn’t like me setting conditions for Sam. â€Å"See you around, Jake. Or not.† He waved halfheartedly. â€Å"Wait, Jared. Is Embry okay?† Surprise crossed his face. â€Å"Embry? Sure, he’s fine. Why?† â€Å"Just wondering why Sam sent Collin.† I watched his reaction, still suspicious that something was going on. I saw knowledge flash in his eyes, but it didn’t look like the kind I was expecting. â€Å"That’s not really your business anymore, Jake.† â€Å"Guess not. Just curious.† I saw a twitch from the corner of my eye, but I didn’t acknowledge it, because I didn’t want to give Quil away. He was reacting to the subject. â€Å"I’ll let Sam know about your†¦ instructions. Goodbye, Jacob.† I sighed. â€Å"Yeah. Bye, Jared. Hey, tell my dad that I’m okay, will you? And that I’m sorry, and that I love him.† â€Å"I’ll pass that along.† â€Å"Thanks.† â€Å"C’mon, guys,† Jared said. He turned away from us, heading out of sight to phase because Leah was here. Paul and Collin were right on his heels, but Quil hesitated. He yelped softly, and I took a step toward him. â€Å"Yeah, I miss you, too, bro.† Quil jogged over to me, his head hanging down morosely. I patted his shoulder. â€Å"It’ll be okay.† He whined. â€Å"Tell Embry I miss having you two on my flanks.† He nodded and then pressed his nose to my forehead. Leah snorted. Quil looked up, but not at her. He looked back over his shoulder at where the others had gone. â€Å"Yeah, go home,† I told him. Quil yelped again and then took off after the others. I’d bet Jared wasn’t waiting super-patiently. As soon as he was gone, I pulled the warmth from the center of my body and let it surge through my limbs. In a flash of heat, I was on four legs again. Thought you were going to make out with him,Leah snickered. I ignored her. Was that okay?I asked them. It worried me, speaking for them that way, when I couldn’t hear exactly what they were thinking. I didn’t want to assume anything. I didn’t want to be like Jared that way. Did I say anything you didn’t want me to? Did I not say something I should have? You did great, Jake!Seth encouraged. You could have hit Jared,Leah thought. wouldn’t have minded that. I guess we know why Embry wasn’t allowed to come,Seth thought. I didn’t understand. Not allowed? Jake, didya see Quil? He’s pretty torn up, right? I’d put ten to one that Embry’s even more upset And Embry doesn’t have a Claire. There’s no way Quil can just pick up and walk away from La Push. Embry might So Sam’s not going to take any chances on him getting convinced to jump ship. He doesn’t want our pack any bigger than it is now. Really? You think? I doubt Embry would mind shredding some Cullens. But he’s your best friend, Jake. He and Quil would rather stand behind you than face you in a fight. Well, I’m glad Sam kept him home, then. This pack is big enough.I sighed. Okay, then. So we’re good, for now. Seth, you mind keeping an eye on things for a while? Leah and I both need to crash. This felt on the level, but who knows? Maybe it was a distraction. I wasn’t always so paranoid, but I remembered the feel of Sam’s commitment. The total one-track focus on destroying the danger he saw. Would he take advantage of the fact that he could lie to us now? No problem!Seth was only too eager to do whatever he could. You want me to explain to the Cullens? They’re probably still kinda tense. I got it. I want to check things out anyway. They caught the whir of images from my fried brain. Seth whimpered in surprise. Ew. Leah whipped her head back and forth like she was trying to shake the image out of her mind. That is easily the freakin’ grossest thing I’ve heard in my life. Yuck. If there was anything in my stomach, it would be coming back. Theyare vampires, I guess, Seth allowed after a minute, compensating for Leah’s reaction. mean, it makes sense. And if it helps Bella, it’s a good thing, right? Both Leah and I stared at him. What? Mom dropped him a lot when he was a baby,Leah told me. On his head, apparently. He used to gnaw on the crib bars, too. Lead paint? Looks like itshe thought. Seth snorted. Funny. Why don’t you two shut up and sleep? How to cite The Twilight Saga 4: Breaking Dawn 13. Good Thing I’ve Got A Strong Stomach, Essay examples

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Two Restaurants Chosen Are Mcdonalds And KFC-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Two Restaurants Chosen Are Mcdonalds And KFC? Answer: Introducation Operation management refers to the process through which a business manufacture good and services. Further the essay contains the four V operational analysis on McDonalds and KFC. Later the essay also explains the marketing mix process with respect to positioning. Volume Dimension: It refers to the amount of quantity produced by the company. Both the companies McDonalds and KFC manufacture a huge volume of products to its customers. The products in the McDonalds are sold for low cost, thus volume is the key factor to the way in which the business is organized. In McDonalds only hamburgers and majorly produced and sold where in KFC all the products have their own customers and are equally sold. Due to repetition of event inn McDonalds, employees become specialized in that task and perform the task in a systematic way. Whereas due to a large variety of products offered by KFC, the employees do not hold specialization in any products resulting to relatively less organized activities are done in KFC (Torrington, et. al., 2011). Variety Dimension: it refers to the range of products and services offered to the customers. In the restaurant McDonalds a discussed above, although they offer a wide variety of products; but the hamburger is the only product which is majorly consumed by the customer. Whereas, in the KFC restaurant they offer a wide variety of products in both veg and non-veg dishes which gives greater flexibility and variety. Thus resulting to which it can be said that in KFC there is relatively wide variety of products than McDonalds which can give greater satisfaction to the customers. But it shall be noted that a company can earn greater profit by simply generating similar products and gaining specialization in it. Whilst both the company offers same kind of products and services but KFC offers greater variety whereas McDonalds offer low cost products to its customers (Dibb, Simkin 2013). Variation Dimension: it refers to the differentiation in the products on the basis of seasons, price, taste etc. In McDonalds the company offers breakfast menu, cold drinks and ice cream in summers and hot chocolate in winters. The restaurant updates it menu yearly. Whereas in case of KFC, the company already has a variety of products to offer, also it has many veg as well as non-veg products. On comparing both the restaurants it shall be noted that KFC has more products in its menu card than in McDonalds which shows that variation dimension is high in KFC and low in McDonalds (Slack, Brandon-Jones, Johnston 2013). Visibility Dimension: visibility refers to the customers ability to track their order details of the product. This operation of the management is more difficult than it actually looks. It also means that what the customer perceives from the services rendered. Both the companies have equal amount of visibility dimension in their business. This factor includes services like courier, home delivery which helps the customers in accessing the product and services. But both the outlets do not have their home delivery services due to which it can be said that the companies enjoys a low visibility dimension. But this is seen that McDonalds have their take away relating to which KFC restraint do not have their own take away as well. So, concluding to the above situation it can be said that both the companies are less attached with the visibility dimension butt if compared, then McDonalds is relatively higher in terms of visibility in the market (Harrington et. al., 2017). Positioning and Marketing Mix Positioning refers to the brand image created in the mind of the customers which make the product different from the other similar products prevailing in the market. It is one of the most powerful marketing concepts which influence the customers in purchasing the product of the company repeatedly. In order to create a position in the market the company needs to differentiates it product in the market from other competitors by providing distinguished features in the product. Due to this, the customer will get attracted towards the product and if they like it, then they will create a brand image in their mind which will lead them to repeat the transaction. Thus in this way positioning of a product is done in the market. But there are many other factors as well which position the product in the market (Naghshbandi, Stephen 2015). Furthermore, Four Ps of marketing mix used to position the product in the market are explained below: Product: product refers to the object with particular specifications for which the customer pays money to the company. The product shall hold distinctive features so that it is separated from other product in the market. The most important feature which the product shall hold is that it shall satisfy the customers needs. For e.g. Coca cola has good brand image in the market because it satisfy the expectations of the customers (Wibowo, Tielung 2016). Place: place refers to the availability of product in the market. The place at which the product is sold also affects the positioning of the product in the market. For instance, if a product is only sold at the supermarkets then the customer will create a mindset that the product holds a good band image (Keegan, Green 2015). Price: price is the amount which the customer pays to attain the product. If the market is price sensitive then is factor greatly influence the choice of the customers. It also includes other perks like gift vouchers, coupons, discounts etc. Promotion: it refers to the strategy through which the target market gets to know about the product and its specifications in the market. The companies need to pay attention by promoting their product in the adequate target market to position their product. Like the company Starbucks used online media to promote their product in the target market and increase its sale and customer base as well (Armstrong, et. al., 2015). Concluding to the above situations it can be said that the restaurants KFC and McDonalds have almost similar dimensions of operating its business but comparatively McDonalds has more systematic management. Also, positioning plays a vital role for the company in gaining organizational objective along with distinction in the market. References Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M. Brennan, R., 2015.Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education. Dibb, S. Simkin, L., 2013.Marketing essentials. Cengage Learning. Harrington, R.J., Harrington, R.J., Ottenbacher, M.C., Ottenbacher, M.C., Fauser, S. Fauser, S., 2017. QSR brand value: Marketing mix dimensions among McDonalds, KFC, Burger King, Subway and Starbucks.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,29(1), pp.551-570. Keegan, W.J. Green, M.C., 2015. Global marketing. Naghshbandi, N. Stephen, A.O., 2015. Management Education: Need a Change (An Empirical Analysis).International Journal of Research in IT and Management,5(8), pp.72-85. Slack, N., Brandon-Jones, A. Johnston, R., 2013. Operations management. Torrington, D., Hall, L., Taylor, S. Atkinson, C., 2011. Strategic human resource management.Human resource management. Harlow, England: Pearson Education Limited, pp.57-76. Wibowo, S.W. Tielung, M., 2016. analytical hierarchy process (ahp) approach on consumer preference in franchise fast food restaurant selection in manado city (Study at: McDonalds, KFC, and AW).Jurnal riset ekonomi, manajemen, bisnis dan akuntansi,4(2).

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Truman Capote and Perry Essay Example

Truman Capote and Perry Paper In Cold Blood Close Reading and Analysis Questions â€Å"The Last to See Them Alive† 1. How does Capote build suspense even though the reader knows the ultimate outcome from the beginning? Pg. 62 Capote builds suspense by letting us know that the Clutter’s were murdered, but he doesn’t give us all of the details from the killer’s point of view until the very end. 2. What are some details Capote provides to describe the town of Holcomb, Kansas. Pg. 3-5 The author describes Holcomb being on the â€Å"high wheat plains of western Kansas, a lonesome area that other Kansans call ‘out there’†. There’s â€Å"not much to see† with it’s prairie lands, and wheat fields. It’s a friendly town, quiet- unless there’s gossip to be heard. 3. Who is Alvin Dewey? Pg. 80 Alvin Dewey was one of the main detectives working on the case. 4. Capote carefully depicts the personalities of secondary characters such as Alvin Dewey and Bobby Rupp. Why does he do this? What is the significance of these secondary characters? Capote goes into detail of the secondary characters to let you know more about them. I think that’s his way of introducing all of the characters in the story. We will write a custom essay sample on Truman Capote and Perry specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Truman Capote and Perry specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Truman Capote and Perry specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The significance of doing this is to let you feel like you know the characters personally. 5. What were the only â€Å"serious clues† that were found at the crime scene? Pg. 83 65 The only serious clues were the foot print on the cardboard, and the Kenyon’s missing radio. 6. Who was their primary suspect at the beginning? Why? What would have been the motive? Pg 84 Bobby Rupp was their first suspect because he was the last to see the Clutter’s, the night of their murder. His motive would have been that Mr. Clutter had wanted Nancy to slowly break off their relationship. 7. Who did Perry Smith consider his â€Å"real and only friend†? Pg 124 Willie Jay was Perry’s only friend because he understood him and no one else did. 8. Describe Perry’s recurring dream. Pg 92 In his dreams, he is always in some kind of trouble and a â€Å"sort of parrot† ends up saving him just in the knick of time. 9. How did Dick and Perry obtain money to get to Mexico? Pg 97 Dick and Perry got money by writing hot checks for items, then selling the items later when they needed the money. â€Å"Persons Unknown† 10. What is revealed about the town of Holcomb? How does the gossip surrounding the crime reflect underlying truths about Holcomb and small town Kansas? Pg. 49 Every little bit of gossip gets around in the town of Holcomb. If one person has an opinion, everyone in the town is going to know about it. They all start to become suspicious of each other, because in the beginning they think the killer could have been from the town. 11. Who is Otto, and where do Dick and Perry meet him? Pg 118 They met him on a f ishing trip while in Acapulco. 12. What was Perrys most prized possession and what happened to it? Pg 124 His most prized possession was his guitar, and somebody stole it from him. 13. How does Capote work Dick and Perry’s backgrounds into the story? Capote works their backgrounds into the story by having flashbacks to their childhood or previous experiences. 14. Relate several specific details concerning what we know of Perrys upbringing by this point in the novel. Pg 130 Perry’s parents were split up, his mom was drunk quite often, he didn’t get the full education that he had always wanted, he had to deal with crazy nuns and orphanages, but finally he got to live with his dad (who ended up taking a lot of his frustrations out on Perry) 15. Do you feel sympathy for either Dick or Perry at this point? I feel sympathy for Perry more than Dick at this point. Perry didn’t have the upbringing that Dick had, so I feel like Dick doesn’t have a reason to act as he does in the book. â€Å"The Answer† 16. Who is Floyd Wells? Pg 159 He was the guy that Dick talked to while he was in jail. He worked for the Clutter’s, and he was the one that Dick was asking all of his questions about the Clutter’s to. Dick even told Floyd what he was going to do to the Clutter’s. 17. According to Dick’s father, what was Dick like as a young man? Pg 166 As a young man, Dick was athletic, smart, and all-around pretty normal. 18. Where did Dick tell his parents he and Perry were going on the night of the murders? Pg 168 Dick told his parents he was going to Kansas City to pick up some money that Perry’s sister owed him. 19. A middle-aged traveling salesman picked up Dick and Perry on his way to Omaha. What were their plans for him? By what â€Å"miracle† was he saved? Pg 171 Dick and Perry’s plans had been to kill and rob the guy, but they ended up picking up another guy, instead. 20. How did Harold Nye obtain the address to the rooming house where Perry had stayed? Pg 126 He got the address from a pawn shop ticket found while searching for the radio. 1. Why does the landlady expect Perry to turn up again anytime? Pg 177 She expects him to come back anytime because he asked her to keep it for him until he came back and got it. 22. Describe Perrys relationship with his sister Barbara. Include her feelings regarding him and his situation as well as his feelings towards her. Pg 180 When he w as younger they were close, until Perry left to live with his dad and he started getting in trouble. Barbara is scared of him, and rightly so. She also resents that her father loved him the most. Perry wished that she had been in that house too, so he could have killed her, too. 3. What are Perrys feelings regarding education and his lack thereof? Pg 185 Perry wishes more than anything that he could have gotten a proper education. He doesn’t like many people that are smarter than him. 24. Because money was becoming a problem by this point, what did Dick want to do that Perry considered â€Å"the ultimate crazy man stunt†? Why? What was Dick planning to do there? Pg. 188 The ultimate crazy man stunt was to go back to Kansas City and write more bad checks. They did this because Dick had friends in Kansas City and he was confident that they would succeed. 25. Concerning the incident at the pool in Florida, as well as an earlier incident, what was Perrys attitude regarding Dicks attraction to very young girls? Pg 200 Perry thinks Dick’s attraction to young girls is absolutely disgusting, and he thinks that people need to learn how to sexually control themselves. 26. Where, and on what charges were Dick and Perry actually arrested? Why was it important to Alvin Dewey that everyone, including Dick and Perry, continue to believe that this was the reason for their arrest? Pg 213 They were picked up for parole violation and passing bad checks. It was important that they thought this was the only reason so they would be able to see their reactions and so that they couldn’t talk to each other to make up a better story. They didn’t want the public to know about it because there was a small chance that they weren’t the right guys. 27. What very important items were in the box that Perry had delivered to himself at the Las Vegas post office. Pg 214 There were two pairs of boots that matched the prints found at the crime scene. 28. What was revealed to both Dick and Perry separately about the scene of the crime? What was each of the mens reactions? Pg 224 They revealed to Dick and Perry that there was a witness. Dick turned on Perry because he knew about the witness, and Perry stuck with the story, not knowing that Dick had told someone. 29. Why do you think Capote waited until this point in the novel to reveal the details of the night of the murders? What is the effect? I believe that Capote waited until the end to make the story more suspenseful, and it was more suspenseful. We knew from the beginning who committed the murder, we just didn’t 30. What was the one primary difference between Dicks version of the murders and Perrys version? Pg 246 Dick’s version was basically that he didn’t kill anybody, and his version made him sound innocent. Perry’s version was that Dick killed the two girls. 31. On the evening Dick and Perry were delivered to the Holcomb jail, what was the difference between the predicted response of the townspeople and the actual response? Why? Pg 248 The predicted response was for the townspeople to be violent and rebellious to the prisoners. When the time came, the people of Holcomb were completely silent as the prisoners were walked into the jail. â€Å"The Corner† 32. Describe the cell in which Perry was place in the Holcomb â€Å"jail. Pg 254 The cell was connected to the kitchen of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer. It had a window overlooking the square, a toilet, stall, cot, chair, table, a shower, and a hanging light bulb. 33. Who was Don Cullivan and what was his relationship with Perry both before and after Perry’s arrest? Pg 261 Don Cullivan was someone that Perry h ad been in the army with. Perry hadn’t remembered him much, but he was glad he had someone trying to help him out. 34. Perry relates to the two tomcats that prowled the Square every evening. What was the reason Mrs. Meier gave as to their purpose in doing so and why does it â€Å"pain him† to watch their maneuvers? Pg 264 It pains him to watch the cats because it reminds him of himself. He has been going through life just trying to survive like the cats. 35. What event did Paul Helm describe as being â€Å"like a second funeral†? Pg 271 The auctioning of the Clutter’s possessions had been like a second funeral. 36. Who was the â€Å"mystery man†Ã¢â‚¬â€the final witness for the prosecution in Dick and Perry’s trial? Pg 281 The mystery man was Floyd Wells. 37. What changes did Perry want to make to his original story? Why? Pg 255 Perry wanted to tell the truth and say that Dick didn’t kill the women because Dick’s parents deserved to know the ruth. 38. What is â€Å"The Corner†? Pg. 188 The Corner was referring to the gallows. Overall 39. In what ways is In Cold Blood like a fiction novel? How does Capote report the facts and allow different voices to speak without using a journalistic style? In Cold Blood is like a fiction novel in that he added to it, with small scenes and quotes that weren’t accurate. He lets the journalistic facts mix together with a few made up details from different characters, it seems. 40. How is montage used in the novel? (Look up this term if you need to) What is the effect of this style? It lets you know what’s happening in two different places at the same time. It tells you what Dick and Perry are doing at a certain time, and what the people of Holcomb are doing at the same time, but it switches off. 41. Why did Capote omit descriptions of the two older clutter sisters, who were not home at the time of the crime? Does the narrative benefit from this exclusion? Capote doesn’t talk about the two older sisters because they weren’t really a part of story being told, they weren’t a necessary part of the story. I feel like they just don’t matter that much, so it doesn’t benefit or take away from the story. 2. Because the Clutter family could not speak for themselves, Capote’s information about them was supplied by neighbors, friends and other people who knew the family. Capote got most of his information about the perpetrators of the crime directly from them. How does this shape their readers’ opinions about the vict ims and about the criminals? The author makes us feel like we knew the Clutters, and that they were our friends. So it makes us feel like the criminals hurt our own friends, so we know how the people of Holcomb feel about the situation. He wrote it so that they don’t even need the family to tell the story, we got enough of the story from everyone else. 43. The tone of the book reveals the author’s attitude toward his subject matter. Capote intended In Cold Blood to be both objective and sympathetic. Is this possible? Did he achieve it? This is possible, and I believe he achieved it. I felt sympathetic towards the victims in the beginning, and the criminals in the end and I think that’s how he intended for us to feel. 44. Did Capote take a stand on the death penalty? Why could he not finish the book until after the executions? Does In Cold Blood make an argument for either side? I don’t know if Capote gave a stand, he gave both sides on the death penalty. I feel like he was leaning more towards the death penalty being wrong, because that’s how he made me feel, and if I felt that way I’m sure others did too. Capote couldn’t finish the book until after the executions because he had to have more of a closure; how the lives of people in Holcomb moved on. 45. Do you think Dick and Perry were sane? Did the psychiatric analysis of them and descriptions of other cold blooded killers surprise you? Scare you? Make you think differently about violent crime or the death penalty? I think Dick was sane, and Perry was a little bit on the insane side. If other people can feel nothing after killing someone, yes, that does scare me!! Now I do think differently about the death penalty and the fairness of it all. If someone is insane, they can’t help it. Alas, Babylon Questions for Study and Discussion Explain the meaning of the phrase â€Å"Alas, Babylon. † Where did Randy and his brother get it? What does it signify? Pg. 14 â€Å"Alas, Babylon was a private, a family phrase. † The brothers would hear Preacher Henry say this phrase from the Revelation of John, and they used the phrase as an emergency call. What is Florence Wechek’s impression of Randy at the beginning of Alas, Babylon? Pg. 4 â€Å"Randy Bragg a peeping Tom! † Florence thinks that Randy has been watching her through her window, when in reality he is trying to look at a bird. She also thinks that Randy is a player because she sees girls come and go from his house. How does the description of the election show a new side of Randy’s character? Pg. 8 Randy was so humiliated by the thought of it, he had started drinking bourbon to try to clear away the memories of the election. How does the town’s business and economy change? Things that were important, like cash , became unusable. So people had to start trading things like coffee, whiskey, gas, and other things that people actually needed. What instances of there of people being in positions of power or public authority who should not be, before and after The Day? How does Randy’s exercise of authority contrast with that of others, from the pilot Pee Wee to Bubba Offenhaus, Edgar Quisenberry, and Porky Logan? Pg. 133 When it comes to who’s in charge after The Day, Randy steps up to the plate and tries to organize everything that is going on. He gets together a group of veterans, and they take charge of the place. They stop the highway men from doing more damage, end up making laws, and everything else that the others that used to be in charge failed to do. The people that used to be in charge weren’t able to acclimate. Pg. 122-Edgar shot himself because his life revolved around money and the bank, and that no longer mattered. In Chapter 4, Helen points out that her children, and all children in the late 1950’s â€Å"have lived under the shadow of war-atomic war. For them the abnormal had become normal. † Do children today live under a comparable shadow or shadows? If so, what are the possible consequences for them? I don’t think children live under a shadow; I feel like there’s not a whole lot to be afraid of here. But then again, there’s a lot I don’t know about the world and what’s going on in it. If there is a shadow.. It would be the coming of a depression or global warming. The consequences are that we won’t be prepared for whatever is going to come our way. What are the consequences- for Randy himself, for his family and friends, and for all of Fort Repose-of Randy’s decision in Chapter 5, that â€Å"he would have to play by the old rules†? In what ways do Randy and others subsequently act in accordance with or in opposition to â€Å"the old rules†? Randy and the others have to play by the old rules by how they survive. They have to learn how to live like the ancient Egyptians did back in the day. ? What is the sequence of the escalating breakdown of â€Å"normal† order, institutions, and public services? How do people react to the sudden absence of services and procedures that they-we-take for granted? Would reactions today be different or similar? What do you think is the most serious loss? First the banks start closing, then the stores run out of supplies, then gas starts to run out, then food starts to run out, then all the other necessities start running out. But as they all run out, different people think of different solutions to make up for what was lost. Like the boat instead of the car, the salted meat instead of refrigerated meat, the artisan water instead of regular water, orange juice and citrus instead of milk, guns instead of wallets, stuff like that. Some people react well and go along with the new changes, trying to adapt; other people do not adapt well at all, and end up dying. I think if the situation happened today it would be similar, if not worse. Most of us take for granted the little things in life, like coffee and clean water. After reading the book, it seems like the most serious loss would be lack of salt. In Chapter 5, Frank writes of bank president Edgar Quisenberry that â€Å"He had forgotten the implacable law of scarcity. † How would you define/describe that law? How does it come into play for the people of Fort Repose, and what effects does it have? The implacable law of scarcity is when someone can never everything he wants, and never have it his way. I guess when everyone loses it all, there isn’t any more classes. No more first class and third class; everyone’s in the same boat: poor. It comes into play in Fort Repose with Mr. McGovern, mostly. He starts working with someone who used to work for him. The African American children go to school and play with the white children. In some ways, there’s more unity. In other situations, people turn on each other, fighting for their own survival. Is Helen’s â€Å"inventory of necessities,† in Chapter 6, realistic and appropriate? What would be included in your inventory of necessities in the case of a similar catastrophe? Why? Her list of necessities probably seemed somewhat appropriate at the time, but looking ahead, they should have tried to get the absolute necessities. After reading this book my list of necessities would have been: gas, shoes, coffee, salt, sweets, meat, candles, radio, batteries, medical stuff, and ammunition. I’m probably missing some, but I wouldn’t have been able to come up with a good list if I hadn’t read this book. In Chapter 6, Dan mentions historian Arnold Toynbee in a conversation with Randy. Discuss the significance of this passage in terms of the theme of the novel? Pg. 133 â€Å"His theory of challenge and response applies not only to nations, but to individuals. Some nations and some people melt in the heat of crisis and come apart like fat in the pan. Others meet the challenge and harden. † â€Å"They created and lived in an environment of paper profits, and when paper returned to paper, they had to kill themselves, not realizing that their environment was unnatural and artificial. † Those two quotes are the main theme of the book. The book showed us how we live, and not to take everything we have for granted. As fast as we get it, it can all be taken away. It showed us that we should be more grateful for the little things in life.. Or that’s what it showed me. What factors of character and circumstance justify Randy’s assuming responsibility for and authority over Fort Repose? Is his thought in Chapter 7-†When you had the responsibility you also had the right to command†-explanation enough? I think that Randy taking charge because he had the responsibility was enough of an explanation. Randy was doing what he thought would benefit the community the most, and it did indeed do so. To what extent does â€Å"survival of the fittest† apply in Fort Repose after The Day? What do Randy and the others understand that phrase to mean? What do you understand it to mean? Only the fit and adept could survive. If you couldn’t adapt to change, you weren’t going to live. Randy thought of it when Florence’s cat ate her bird. The cat didn’t have anything else to eat, so it had to do what it had to do. I wouldn’t want to eat an armadillo, but if there was nothing else to eat, I’d be eating that armadillo! How did the lives of some of the characters improve after The Day? The lives of the Henry’s improved because they were looked at as equals to everyone else. The lives of the poor people changed for the better because they became equal as everyone else, also. After The Day, Alice finally found her meaning of life. She was able to be someone important as a librarian, everyone started coming to her. What change in black and white relationships evolved after The Day? Black and white relationships became more equal, as discussed previously. How might the burial of Porky Logan be considered the turning point of the novel? The burial of Porky Logan could be a turning point of the book because after he (Randy’s rival) dies, Randy takes up the position of authority that Porky had had and leads the people in a very good and effective way. Does it matter who won this war? It doesn’t really matter who won the war with the amount of damage done, people were still focusing on what really mattered: survival. Why do you think Frank selected a phrase from The Revelation of John as the title of his book? To what extent do you think he intended the references to Babylon in chapters 17 and 18 of The Revelation to apply to the United States of the 1950’s? To what extent might they apply to the United States of today? Frank must have used the phrase form The Revelation of John to show that what he’s writing has to do with some of his Christian beliefs. How is the novel critical of American wealth? The novel is critical of American wealth, in that it shows us we don’t really need all that we have. We don’t need cash to survive, what we really need is food, water, shelter .. etc. What do you know now that you didn’t know before you read this book? I know now what kinds of things to do in survival situations that I wouldn’t have known. Things like putting salt on meat to preserve it, eating armadillos .. etc.